Thursday, 21 March 2013


To seek yet it always eludes,
There is nothing to do but patience,
Never as simple as it looks,
Grounded in all but this very lesson,
Wondering when it would ever take fruit,
For my heart is set on this path,
Will I last the journey?
This question that I ask
It remains to be seen, walking forward I must......

Monday, 11 March 2013

Dedicated to Melissa Manikan

A million stars in the night,
A thousand candles above,
A hundred people huddled in the light,
A single person we Love,
A blessing to the heart
A reminder to all of us,
A friend that we have,
A journey at the end,
A homecoming we hope,
A Love that God has sent,
In this I pray......Amen.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Love is patient, love is kind

Love that came without,
Love felt within,
Silent yet it shouts,
Intangible never to be seen,
A marvel, given freely,
Yet taken, hurts deeply,
This love i speak,
This love i write,
Would not do justice,
Feeble is my attempt to describe,
The love of a father to a child,
The love of a Man to a Woman,
No matter the distance or miles,
Formed since the time of creation,
A gift eternal, a gift divine,
And as it was written,
Love is patient love is kind.....

Thursday, 7 March 2013

A new creation

What life yonder brings,
I yearn for something unseen,
I walk in that belief,
I do not know where it leads,
Yet I dream it always in my sleep,
My heart wishes what my mind knows,
The void that I must fill,
In this journey that leads me on,
Seeking that which I long,
Every corner, every nook,
Down the road, up the chimney,
Hands bleed, filled with soot,
Can it be that I will never find,
Crying as I bow in defeat,
Hands on the ground, head down,
Lost in strength, tired in feet,
Yet I clearly heard a sound,
Songs being sung......
Hands came to lift me up,
New robes put over old,
Water given in a cup,
Leading me on in my journey,
Hope filled my despair,
As I move ever forward
No longer alone, but placed in God's care.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Dedicated to my mum

She sat by the side, quiet in her thoughts,
Into the distance her gaze went,
Regal as royalty holding court,
A scene, as those of old sang,
Broken by the sound of laughter,
She came back from her reverie,
Watching the children in their banter,
A smile, slight that no one can see,
Her eyes, warm around the edge,
Old in her age? I would say never,
For it is quite clear,
My mother is loved by everyone around her......