Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Thank you Jesus

So many ways to say this,
So many ways to write this,
Yet I am lost for words,
In my mind I am unworthy,
In my heart I am nobody,
Yet on this day of Christmas,
To my Lord and Savior,
I wish to say one thing,
Thank you, Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Inspired by John 14:2

In my doubts, never once comforted,
Where comes my strength?
Where for my convictions?
Trapped, never to be free as a bird.

I looked each day to the horizons,
Marking time in my cage,
What is this life?
My sin, a curse that lies and burns.

Yet in my heart,
I shall put my trust in a promise,
There in the farthest skies,
Atop the highest clouds and domes,
Awaits the beauty of my eternal home......

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Inspired by the wedding of Gerard & Judith

Beauty in a sacred promise,
A life to another,
Humbled before HE,
A vow eternal, never to falter,
Grateful in acceptance,
Sworn faithful to each other,
A marriage consecrate,
Becoming not one but two,
Forever the finest work of art,
The best-est friend till death do part......